Actualité - 8 février 2021

CollEx-Persée is now registered in the CatRIS portal, as a RI service provider

The CatRIS project was initiated in 2019. Funded by an International Consortium, CatRIS is managed by the European Science Foundation - ESF as part of the Horizon 2020 EU programme.

At the end of 2020, CollEx-Persée was approached by the European Science Foundation – ESF as a research infrastructure registered in MERIL portal’s database. Now that the project of a cartography of European research infrastructures has been completed, the Foundation is developing, on the base of datas collected by MERIL, a new portal called CatRIS : Catalogue of Research Infrastructure Services.

CatRIS aims to create an open, trusted and user-friendly portal to an harmonised and aggregated catalogue of services provided by Research Infrastructures (RI), and other major facilities across Europe. CatRIS provides a single access to all relevant and up-to-date information on the services provided by RI, focusing on physical infrastructures.

It is a bottom-up initiative that is sustained by service providers at European, national, regional and institutional levels.

CollEx-Persée takes part in this programme and thus hopes to:

  • improve the discovery and visibility of its services
  • attract a larger potential of users and cooperations
  • present its services in an EOSC-compatible format
  • enhance collaboration and networking


Go to the services page > here

See this article in French > here

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